container home
A disaster relief home for a family in Petropolis, Brazil created in collaboration with classmates. The family includes their 55-year grandmother, a 25-year old mother, her 15 and 9-year old sons, and her 2-year old daughter. This home will be constructed from six shipping containers to accommodate the economic requirements of the family in a sustainable manner. The design inspiration for the home has come from Brazilian culture and the popular Bauhaus style of Petropolis.
the stats
Petropolis, Brazil.
1,500 SF
Schematic design, space planning, 3D rendering, FF&E selection, research-based design methods, and sustainable design.
the exterior
Design drivers
The exterior of the steel shipping containers have been covered with a stucco finish for its naturally insulating properties.
RElief housing:
The materials and structure of this home have been selected to ensure efficiency and affordability to the displaced family.
Additionally, the roof areas of this home have been converted into patios and gardening spaces to maximize the square footage of the shipping containers.
This home has been configured from six modular shipping containers in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 302, of the IBC.
In compliance with LEED for homes, this design integrates low flow fixtures, a green roof, and Energy-Star appliances.
First level floor plan
Second level floor plan
Mother’s room
The mother’s room has individual storage and sleeping spaces for herself and her daughter. This arrangement allows the mother to stay in close proximity to her toddler and utilizes the space most efficiently.
Rendering in collaboration with classmates.
The selections of this home have been chosen from economical and prefabricated materials to best fit the family’s needs.
grandmother’s room
Corrugated metal interior
Utilization of vertical storage
Bauhaus-inspired colors & patterns
Rendering in collaboration with classmates
Rendering in collaboration with classmates